New techniques in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system

Kinesitherapy – method of treatment using simulators and other means, the principle of which is controlled movement. The method of restoring the impaired function of the musculoskeletal system allows:

  • activate the recovery of the muscular system by performing exercises;
  • optimize blood flow in the affected area;
  • eliminate pain;
  • eliminate painful muscle spasm;
  • speed up the process of recovery of function after surgery.

The complex is intended for the treatment and prevention of scoliotic spinal deformities, osteochondrosis, arthrosis, as well as their complications. Exercises from the complex can eliminate muscular balance disorders leading to the development of pain without the use of an analgesic.

What is kinesitherapy?

Kinesitherapy includes several full sets of exercises for the various parts of the human body:

  • Кинезиотерапияexercises for the feet (used when the heel spur, flat feet, relief comes in 3 week classes);
  • exercises for the knee joint (indications – arthrosis, recovery from injuries);
  • dysfunction associated with overweight, in the presence of contraindications to a running load;
  • system of movements to strengthen the hip joint (coxarthrosis in menopausal disorders, as well as associated with lumbodynia);
  • exercises to strengthen the internal muscles of the abdomen;
  • complex for strengthening the back muscles, for the elimination of pathological spasms and malnutrition of muscles associated with neurological diseases.

Physiotherapy is carried out in accordance with the appointments.

Anchoring of the effect and the continuation of stimulation of the prescription zones at the termination of classes on weekends with the help of kinesiotherapy (adhesive tapes with healing properties).

There are restrictions on the use of the technique for persons weighing less than 40 kg and age over 70 years.

Additional information by phone of the health care institution “Brest Regional Sports Medicine Dispensary”+375-162-42-67-88 и +375-29- 599-55-80 (МТС), as well as on the website

According to the materials of the “Brest Regional Sports Medicine Dispensary”