Rabies Prevention

Rabies – infectious viral disease. Human infection with rabies occurs through the saliva of infected wild and domestic animals with bites, scratches and other damage to the skin and mucous membranes.

The source and reservoir of this infection in nature are wild carnivores (foxes, wolves, raccoon dogs and others), which, on contact, transmit the virus to domestic animals. The greatest threat among pets are dogs and cats (up to 80% of cases), although cattle, horses and other animals can also become infected with rabies and transmit it to the virus.

Protection Measures and Prevention:
  • In order not to expose yourself to the danger of infection with rabies and not to suffer from bites, avoid contact with wild and stray animals, and communicating with pets, do not provoke aggression.
  • If you are a pet owner, follow the rules for keeping them (register, vaccinate, etc.).
  • Report stray animals, which are subject to mandatory catching, to housing maintenance organizations at the place of residence.

If you are bitten by a domestic, homeless or wild animal, as soon as possible, wash the area with a strong soap solution, treat the wound edges with iodine tincture and immediately contact a medical institution!

Only a doctor can assess the risk of possible infection with the rabies virus and prescribe, if necessary, a course of vaccinations. 

Vaccination against rabies is carried out in the surgical and trauma offices and departments of health facilities in the community around the clock and is free.


Rabies is an absolutely deadly disease. On condition that you seek medical help in a timely manner, only a vaccination can help save the life of the sick..

Contact phone for information in Brest: +375-162-21-31-66

According to the State University “Brest Regional Center for Hygiene, Epidemiology and Public Health”