
Our tasks

  • Providing affordable and high-quality specialized psychiatric care to the population of the region using new modern methods of diagnosis and treatment;
  • Priority development of psychiatric care on an outpatient basis, with an emphasis on prevention;
  • Implementation of indicators of social standards in the field of health care, regional and regional territorial programs of state guarantees of providing free medical care to citizens, in the part relating to mental health services;
  • Improving the system of measures to reduce mortality from suicides, mortality in psychiatric hospitals;
  • Increasing interdepartmental cooperation in the implementation of measures to prevent suicides, prevent alcohol abuse;
  • Implementation of dispensary observation of the population, in accordance with the requirement of regulatory documents, increasing its effectiveness;
  • Improving the efficiency of work on the formation of motivation for a healthy lifestyle among the population;
  • Active involvement of citizens, employers, public organizations in health protection;
  • Changing the stereotypes of mental health care, the fight against myths and prejudices to psychiatry.